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2024-02-14 23:12:16
美  英
n.  修西得底斯


  1. ancient Greek historian remembered for his history of the Peloponnesian War (460-395 BC)


  1. Thucydides did not belong to the generations of Empire builders. 修昔底德并不属于帝国缔造者那几代人。
  2. In the words of Thucydides, the secret of happiness is freedom. 按照希腊历史学家修西得底斯(Thucydides)的话说,快乐的秘决在于自由。
  3. Thucydides account of the Peloponnesian War is important on many levels. 修昔底德对战争的叙述在许多层面都是很重要的。
  4. The idea of Tyche is an important part of Thucydides historical thoughts. 摘要“命运”说是修昔底德历史思想中的重要内容。
  5. Thucydides views on Tyche in fact the advance of ancient Greek thought. 修氏的“命运”说,体现了古希腊思想的进步。
  6. Of course, Thucydides utilizes rhetoric as a historian, not as an orator. 当然,修昔底德利用修辞是作为一位史家的身份,而不是作为一个演说者的身份。