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2024-02-15 00:07:17
美[ðʌsliː]  英[ðʌslɪ]
adv.  因此;如此;到如此程度;这样


  1. in the way indicated;

    "hold the brush so" "set up the pieces thus"


  1. Thusly, the modernization process does not have one foundation. 他认为,日本近代缺乏一个统一的基础支撑,换言之就是文化主体性的缺乏。
  2. Thusly, their short period of existence is enough to bring tears to our eyes. 相比之下,她们的存在时间,更是短得令人落泪。
  3. The sender sends a socket thusly set up and the reciever does the same. //网上查到一句话:You still have to broadcast to a specific port number.
  4. The chance is missed.For a life lived thusly is a life lived from fear. 失去了机会,错过了时机,患得患失的生命充满了恐惧。
  5. China is thus moving towards civility one step at a time, and society is thusly becoming nicer bit by bit. 中国就是这样一步一步地走向文明,社会就是这样一点一点变得更加美好。
  6. From all these music activities,I have made many good friends and thusly enriched my college life. 这些活动不但使我广交朋友,也丰富了我的大学生活。