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2024-02-15 00:49:17
美[θɜːsəs]  英[θɜːsəs]
n.  Bucchus 的手仗;密锥花序


  1. a dense flower cluster (as of the lilac or horse chestnut) in which the main axis is racemose and the branches are cymose


  1. Primal Wild: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are Life and Spirit. Mages who walk the Thyrsus Path claim a Watchtower in this realm. 原初荒野:主导奥秘为生命与精魂的上域。行于瑟苏斯之道的法师控制着该领域的守望塔。
  2. Dionysus originally appeared as a bearded man, but later more often as a slim youth.His principal attribute was the thyrsus, a wand bound with vine leaves. 他个人的表徵是一个常春藤的花环,图尔苏斯杖(杖端有松果形物)和一种叫康塔罗斯的双柄大酒杯。
  3. Thyrsus: A mage whose Path leads to the Primal Wild. Thyrsus epitomize the tarot card of “The Moon.” 瑟苏斯:道途通向原初荒野的法师。瑟苏斯代表着塔罗牌中的“月亮”。