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2024-02-15 00:52:17
美  英
abbr.  Thanks In Advance;先谢了


  1. brief episode in which the brain gets insufficient blood supply; symptoms depend on the site of the blockage


  1. Mr. Tia:Are you ready to pick your names? 准备好要抽名字了吗?
  2. What would show Tia how much Cecilia loves her? 给什么才能表达她对蒂亚的爱呢?
  3. GREg King powders up Tia Coles during their performance Saturday. 格雷格在表演期间为提亚·考勒斯扑粉。
  4. Tia walks over to her boyfriend, The Representative. 蒂亚各界给她的男朋友,代表。
  5. TIA is associated with endothelial injury and the ascension of ET and CGRP. TIA的发病与内皮细胞损伤和血浆ET及CGRP水平增高有关。
  6. Tia: I see personal ads all the time form white men looking for Asian women. 蒂雅:我总是在个人广告中看到白人男子在找亚裔女人。