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2024-02-15 01:06:16
美[tɪk]  英[tɪk]
v.  滴答作响;给…标记号;运作;空转
n.  滴答声;一会儿;勾号;壁虱;蜱虫;枕套;褥套;<英口>赊欠
  过去式:ticked  过去分词:ticked  现在分词:ticking  第三人称单数:ticks


  1. 发滴答声,滴嗒滴嗒响
  2. 在滴答声中度过,把时间滴滴嗒嗒地打发掉
  3. 赊销(购)(货物),赊给
  4. 打点
  5. 作记号;给…标记号
  6. 滴嗒滴嗒记录时间
  7. (钟表等)工作,起作用
  8. <英>(核对后)勾去
  9. <口>责备,斥责
  10. 使生气,使烦恼
  11. 打上钩,打对号
  12. 运转,进行,持续活动
  1. 赊欠,赊(销)
  2. 【动】壁虱
  3. 枕套;垫套;布套;褥套
  4. 滴嗒(声)
  5. 记号
  6. 信用
  7. 片刻,一瞬间
  8. 条纹厚棉布
  9. <英口>讨厌鬼
  10. 【动】扁虱
  11. 【动】蜱
  12. 放债


  1. vi. 作滴答声 (of a clock, watch, etc.) make light, regularly repeated sounds; click
  2. vt. 标出; 打钩于 mark; check


  1. a metallic tapping sound;

    "he counted the ticks of the clock"

  2. any of two families of small parasitic arachnids with barbed proboscis; feed on blood of warm-blooded animals
  3. a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc.;

    "as he called the role he put a check mark by each students name"

  4. a light mattress
  1. make a clicking or ticking sound;

    "The clock ticked away"

  2. make a sound like a clock or a timer;

    "the clocks were ticking" "the grandfather clock beat midnight"

  3. sew;

    "tick a mattress"

  4. put a check mark on or near or next to;

    "Please check each name on the list" "tick off the items" "mark off the units"


  1. tick away minutes滴滴答答地送走时间
  2. tick by过了几秒钟
  3. tick off用记号标出
  4. tick sb off谴责某人
  5. tick out messages滴答滴答地打出电报
  6. tick over接近停滞; 进行得极缓慢


  1. The clock ticks very loudly.这只钟发出很响的滴答声。
  2. My watch doesnt tick because its electronic.我的表不滴答作响,因为它是电子表。
  3. The teacher ticks off a name on a list.老师在名单上的一个名字旁打勾。
  4. Listen carefully and tick the sentences which are correct.认真听,并标记正确的句子。
  5. Thats what makes the world tick.使世界持续活动的动力,就在于此。
  6. Buses and taxis tick over rather noisily.公共汽车和出租车空档慢转时噪音很大。
  7. I stopped the car but left the motor ticking over.我停住汽车,让发动机空转。
  1. They could hear the regular tick of the clock.他们能听见时钟有规律的滴答声。
  2. Just wait a tick!等一下儿!
  3. There was a nice red tick in the margin.边上打了一个漂亮的红勾。
  4. Opposite his own name was a small tick.紧接在他名字后面的是一个小对号。
  5. The tick stops draining you and drops off after youre dead.你死了以后壁虱才会停止吸你的血,掉下来。


    tick用作名词的意思是“滴答滴答(指钟表声)”,转化为动词意思是“滴答作响”。引申可作“标出”“打钩于”解。 tick可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。 tick后接副词away表示“滴答滴答地响”; 后接副词off表示“核对; 列举”; 后接副词out表示“滴答滴答地发出”; 后接副词over表示“空转; 接近停滞; 进行得极缓慢”。