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2024-02-15 02:12:16
美[taɪtˌwaɪə]  英[taɪtwaɪə]
n.  绷索


  1. Give me your hand before im old. The girl who stands on the top of tightwire. 我十六岁就看过的贴,你嘛帮帮忙。
  2. A mechanism of tightwire and idler wheel are adopted in the mould for angle core... 模具结构紧凑,工作可靠,成型塑件质量好。
  3. A world of big egos. A world where people love to roll the dice with borrowed money. A world of tightwire trading, propelled by computers. 由一群自大狂虚构的世界。这个世界里的人爱用借来的钱豪赌。这个世界里的交易,在电脑驱使下有如走钢索。
  4. A new type of practical mould structure with tightwire and idler wheel for angle core pulling of die injecting a angle bracket is presented. 给出了生产斜支架塑件的新型钢丝绳-滚轮斜抽芯注塑模实用结构,论述了模具结构特点和工作原理。
  5. The mechanism of tightwire and idler wheel is adopted in the mould for angle core pulling of the angle bracket castings.There is a cooling system in the mould. 该模具采用钢丝绳-滚轮抽芯机构实现斜支架塑件的斜向抽芯,模具还设有冷却系统。
  6. The unique design for this product is that the connection between the club head and club is made by soft steel tightwire, which makes the club head has a shaky effect. 此杆独到之处在于杆头和杆身之处的结合之处采用软钢索连结,杆头的晃动性很大,长期使用练习,对挥杆大有帮助。