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2024-02-15 02:27:16
美[tɪlˌberɪ]  英[tɪlbərɪ]
n.  无盖二轮轻便马车


  1. "Lord, its a tough as Tilbury Foster! “老天爷,就像提尔伯里 - 福斯特那么难缠
  2. It was a tilbury harnessed to a small white horse. 那是一辆小车,驾着一匹白马。
  3. "Did not Monsieur le Maire order a tilbury? " “难道市长先生没有要过一辆小车吗?”
  4. DP World also owns ports in Britain such as Tilbury in Essex. 迪拜环球港务集团在英国也拥有一些港口,如位于埃塞克斯的蒂尔布利港。
  5. The fuel oil we took on at Freetown will be enough to get as to Tilbury. 我们在弗里敦加的燃料没够把我们送到蒂尔伯里了。
  6. But never mind about Tilbury, Aleck, lets talk about something worldly. 艾莱柯,别管提尔伯里了,咱们说点儿实实在在的事吧。