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2024-02-15 02:46:17
美[tɪlt]  英[tɪlt]
vt.  (使)倾斜
vi.  抨击;争论
n.  倾斜;车盖;以全速;(小舟、车辆、地摊等的)帐蓬
  名词:tilter  过去式:tilted  过去分词:tilted  现在分词:tilting  第三人称单数:tilts


  1. 争论
  2. 倾侧,倾斜,歪斜
  3. 轮锤
  4. 持矛冲刺
  5. 翘翘板
  6. 倾向,偏向,偏倾
  7. 攻击,谴责
  8. 斜坡,坡度
  9. 竞争
  10. 篷,帐篷,天棚
  11. 披屋
  12. 车盖
  13. 遮阳
  14. 马上刺枪比赛
  1. (使)倾斜, (使)偏斜,(使)歪斜,(使)倾侧
  2. 抨击
  3. (使)翘起
  4. 攻击,战斗
  5. 扑向
  6. (用轮锤)锻打
  7. 偏向, 使倾向于
  8. 持矛冲刺
  9. 冲, (向…)冲刺
  10. 持(矛),投(矛)
  11. 用帐篷遮盖
  12. 搭帐篷
  13. 拿枪扎
  14. 马上刺枪比赛,骑马以长矛比武
  15. 扎,戳,戳过去
  16. 驳,驳斥
  17. 争论


  1. vt. & vi. 使倾斜; 倾侧 cause to come into a sloping position (as by lifting one end); tip; incline


  1. a combat between two mounted knights tilting against each other with blunted lances
  2. a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement;

    "they were involved in a violent argument"

  3. a slight but noticeable partiality;

    "the courts tilt toward conservative rulings"

  4. the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical;

    "the tower had a pronounced tilt" "the ship developed a list to starboard" "he walked with a heavy inclination to the right"

  5. pitching dangerously to one side
  1. to incline or bend from a vertical position;

    "She leaned over the banister"

  2. heel over;

    "The tower is tilting" "The ceiling is slanting"

  3. move sideways or in an unsteady way;

    "The ship careened out of control"

  4. charge with a tilt


  1. tilt the hat歪戴帽子
  2. tilt the wings倾斜机翼
  1. tilt backwards向后倾斜
  2. tilt forward向前倾斜
  3. tilt awkwardly难以应付地抨击
  4. tilt negligently随意地倾斜
  5. tilt slightly稍微倾斜
  1. tilt at an opponent向敌人冲刺
  2. tilt into a room冲进房间
  3. tilt to the south向南倾斜
  4. tilt toward secrecy倾向于保密


  1. Dont tilt your chair back so far, it might fall over.别把椅子一个劲向后倾斜,它会翻倒的。
  2. If you tilt the table,the dishes will slide off onto the floor.如果你使桌子倾斜,碟子就会滑到地板上。
  3. The table top suddenly tilted and all the plates and glasses crashed onto the floor.桌面突然翘起,所有的盘子和玻璃制品都滑落到地板上打碎了。
  4. Tilt pump downward and remove from engine.将泵向下倾斜,从引擎移出。
  1. He is bold enough to tilt at social injustices.他敢于抨击社会上的不公正现象。
  2. You cannot tilt at the actual findings.你不能抨击实际结果。
  3. He boy always tilts with his father.这个小男孩总是和他父亲争论。
  1. Such a tilt is unusual in the solar system.这样的倾斜在太阳系中不常见。
  2. He drove full tilt intothe lamppost.他车开得飞快,撞上了路灯柱。
  3. His car ran full tilt against the tree.他的车以全速撞到了树上。
  4. The factory is now going full tilt.这家工厂现在正全速发展。


    tilt的基本意思是“(使某物)倾斜”,引申为“攻击或抨击”。还可指“社会舆论倒向某一方”。 tilt主要用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。