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2024-02-15 04:03:17
美[tɪŋk]  英[tɪŋk]
n.  (发)丁当声;(发)丁零声


  1. make or emit a high sound;

    "tinkling bells"


  1. I tink dats nice! Nobody never gave ME a name. 俺觉得不错!从来没人给俺起过名字。
  2. Darling,am i supposed to tink you are serious? 亲爱的,你是认真的吗?
  3. I tink coltin should be president of this group... 本群组是开放的。
  4. I tink had at least 700 buggahs just goin lolo an having one blast! 大概看起来有700多位的好客玩得不亦乐乎呢!另一位说:那当然了!
  5. Peter gave Wendy a hand at first, but had to desist, Tink was so indignant. 起初,彼得伸手去搀温迪一把,可是马上又缩了回来,因为叮叮铃怒不可遏。
  6. I tink if we shed tears when we miss the sun, we also miss the stars. 我想若是我们因错失太阳而流泪,我们也会错失繁星。