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2024-02-15 04:50:17
美[tɪpsɪlɪ]  英[tɪpsɪlɪ]
adv.  喝酒地;倾斜地


  1. He reeled on board, tipsily shouting that he wanted a good fuck. 一上船就大声的嚷要亲嘴要睡觉。
  2. He reeled on board, tipsily shouting that he wanted a good fuck . 一上船就大声的嚷要亲嘴要睡觉。
  3. During the spring of one year he was walking tipsily along the street when he saw, in the sunlight at the base of a wall, Whiskers Wang(T26) stripped to the waist catching lice. 有一年的春天,他醉醺醺的在街上走,在墙根的日光下,看见王胡在那里赤着膊捉虱子,他忽然觉得身上也痒起来了。