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2024-02-15 05:13:17
美[tɪzæn]  英[tɪzæn]
n.  煎药;汤药;草药茶 (=ptisan)


  1. infusion of e.g. dried or fresh flowers or leaves


  1. Tisane is a tea or infusion without any tea leave meant by Western res... Tisane在西方餐饮用词里,是没有茶叶成份的冲泡品,如薄荷、洋甘菊和薰衣草茶...
  2. Small Box :Ginger, Oasis,Flora ,Jasmine Black,Eral Grey,Citrus Mint,Chamomile Tisane. 小听包含7种茶:姜茶,绿怡茶,芙蓉茶,茉莉红茶,伯爵茶,薄荷茶,甜菊茶。
  3. Objective: To observe the clinic effect of cervical disc protrusion treated by tisane of benefiting qi invigorating kidney promoting blood. 摘要目的:观察补气益肾活血治疗颈椎间盘突出症的临床效果。
  4. lemony leaves used for a tisane or in soups or fruit punches. 柠檬的叶子,用于汤药、汤或水果五味酒中。
  5. leaves make a popular tisane; young leaves used in salads or cooked 做大众汤药的叶子;嫩叶用于沙拉或烹调
  6. lemony leaves used for a tisane or in soups or fruit punches 柠檬的叶子,用于汤药、汤或水果五味酒中