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2024-02-15 05:30:16
美[taɪtə]  英[taɪtə]
n.  浓度测定;滴定浓度;滴定量


  1. the concentration of a solution as determined by titration


  1. Infect HUVEC cells with different titer of AAV particles. 以不同滴度的病毒分别感染体外培养的脐静脉内皮细胞株(HUVEC)。
  2. The titer of EPF antibody is more than 1: 800 by indirect ELISA. 间接ELISA测其抗体效价在1:800以上,且为有效阳性。
  3. The antiserum had a titer of 1/1024 with high specificity to TRSV. 以此融合蛋白制备的抗血清的效价为1/1024,抗血清与TRSV具有良好的特异性反应。
  4. The titer of HBsAg was not depressed significantly by HAV infection as well. 甲型肝炎病毒感染对患儿的 HBsAg 滴度的抑制也不明显.
  5. Determinate titer of tuberculosis antibody with cy-tomembrane antigen. 以胞膜抗原测定结核抗体滴度探讨
  6. The increase of anti-streptolysin O(ASO) titer was detected in 5 of 9 cases. 9例检测ASO,5例增高。