2024-02-15 05:39:16
n. 搔痒;愉快
- a tingling feeling of excitement (as from teasing or tickling)
- an agreeable arousal
- the act of tickling
- I dont do titillation and I will get rid of the people looking for that," he said. 遇上那些别有企图的客户,我会主动婉言谢绝。"
- Since Huangjianxiang bravely "fight like men", he seems to have forged a deep bond with titillation and entertainment. 自从黄健翔勇敢地“像个男人一样战斗”之后,他似乎就和娱乐八卦结下了不解之缘。
- This little family restaurant in Philadelphia, Mississippi, serves up top-notch titillation for the taste buds. 这家位于密西西比河,费城中私房菜馆,为味觉提供了顶级的服务。
- It is not just smut and titillation that students want, for they can get these quite easily these days. 他们必需学会怎样和各种不同的人一起生活,好让他们长大后能够面对那些令他们烦厌的人。
- It merely exploits the authentic anguish of the inner city for further titillation. 它只是利用贫民区真实的痛苦来做进一步的刺激。
- Results: Titillation, icterus and rising of total bile acids (TBA) were the main clinical characterization. 结果:发现ICP主要临床表现是瘙痒、黄疸、胆汁酸升高;