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2024-02-15 05:54:16
美[taɪtreɪtə]  英[taɪtreɪtə]
n.  滴定器


  1. an apparatus for performing a titration


  1. Experience in operating GC or GPC or AAS or NIR (Near Infrared) or automatic titrator is a must. 具有操作GC或GPC或AAS或NIR(近红外)或自动滴定仪等仪器的工作经验。
  2. The measurement of carboxyl end group content in PBT was discussed with an automatic potentiometric titrator. 采用全自动电位滴定仪测定PBT切片的端羧基含量,对称样量、溶剂的配比、滴定剂的浓度等进行了正交优化。
  3. That’s why PepsiCo relies on METTLER TOLEDO Titrator systems, which automate the whole process of analysis and therefore save considerable time. 请阅读下文,了解梅特勒-托利多的自动滴定系统如何帮助他们将实验室的响应时间从两天缩短到仅几个小时。
  4. The titrator adopts the peristaltic pump to drive the titrant, and adopts the optical switch to detect the number of drip. 该仪器采用蠕动泵驱动滴定剂,用光电开关检测滴定剂滴数,根据滴数计算所用滴定剂的体积。
  5. A new air-press type titrator was developed.The structure, property, characteristic and operation of the titratorwere descrihed. 介绍一种新型气压式滴定仪的结构、性能、特点及使用方法。
  6. This paper describes a method for measuring the ionization constants of reagents and raw materials and finished products of drugs by automatic titrator. 本文介绍利用全自动滴定仪快速测定化学试剂、原料药、成品药的电离常数。