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2024-02-15 07:22:16
美[təɡeðər]  英[təɡeðə(r)]
adv.  共同;一起;协调;一致;连续地
adj.  有能力的;镇定的


  1. 共同,一起,协力
  2. 同时,一齐
  3. 连续地,不间断地,接连…地
  4. 合起来
  5. 相互,彼此
  6. 总共
  7. <口>沉着稳定地
  8. 在一起,到一起
  9. 一致,协调
  1. 做事有效率的
  2. <俚>新潮的,时髦的
  3. 头脑清楚的,精明的
  4. 稳当可靠的,沉着的,稳健的,安详的,坚定的
  5. 协调的,和谐的
  6. <美俚>镇定自若的,情绪稳定的
  7. 准备得很好的
  8. 才能得到充分发挥的
  9. 善于社交应酬的


  1. 在一起,共同 in or into company; with or towards each other
  2. 同时; 一起 at the same time; simultaneously
  3. 一致地,协调地 in or into negotiations aimed at bringing the two sides in the dispute closer together
  4. 不间断地; 连续地 without interruption; in continuous succession


  1. mentally and emotionally stable;

    "shes really together"

  1. in contact with each other or in proximity;

    "the leaves stuck together"

  2. assembled in one place;

    "we were gathered together"

  3. in each others company;

    "we went to the movies together" "the family that prays together stays together"

  4. at the same time;

    "we graduated together"

  5. with cooperation and interchange;

    "we worked together on the project"

  6. with a common plan;

    "act in concert"


  1. add together加起来,总计
  2. belong together同属
  3. bind together捆绑在一起,(使)结合在一起
  4. bolt together装配在一起
  5. bring together使相合或连接,使相识,使坐在一起,使会面,使和解
  6. call together使集合〔聚集〕起来
  7. cling together粘在一起,互相忠诚
  8. come together聚会,相见
  9. couple together连接,结合
  10. draw together(使)相遇或接近
  11. fight together并肩作战,相互争斗
  12. fit together把零散的东西拼凑成…,组成一个整体
  13. fling together匆忙把(物品)收拢在一起,匆忙收拾起(物品),使…相会
  14. freeze together冻结在一起
  15. gather together归拢在一起,冷静下来
  16. 控制住自己控制住自己
  17. get together聚会,联欢,收集,整理
  18. go together协调,相配,伴随,共存,相爱,陪伴
  19. grow together集中在一起生长,形成更紧密的联系
  20. hang together相配合,不矛盾,互相支持,团结一致
  21. hold together把…结合在一起,团结一致
  22. join together将…拼〔连〕在一起
  23. keep together(使)留在一起,(使)保持行动协调
  24. marry together结合起来
  25. mix together把…混合在一起
  26. piece together把…拼合〔凑〕起来
  27. pull together(使)齐心协力,控制自己(的感情等)
  28. put together组成整体
  29. remain together保持在一起
  30. troop together群集
  31. twist threads together把纱线捻在一起
  1. together with连同…


  1. Lets join hands and struggle together.咱们携起手来共同斗争。
  2. Let us rejoice together on your success.让我们共同庆祝你的成功。
  3. They lived together as husband and wife for years.他们结为夫妇共同生活了很多年。
  4. They traveled together.他们一起旅游。
  5. We will consult together about her education.我们将一起商议她的教育事宜。
  6. The lights flickering ahead of her merged together.她前面的灯光融合到了一起。
  7. They tunked their heads together.他们的头碰到了一起。
  8. I am glad we have come together at last.很高兴我们终于取得了一致。
  9. The committee finally got together on the proposal.委员会对该项建议终于取得了一致意见。
  10. She sat for hours together just starring into the space.她连续几个小时坐在那里怔怔地望着远方。
  1. Hes incredibly together for someone so young.他这个人年纪轻轻,办事如此稳当,真是了不起。


    together的基本意思是“在一起”,指相同的或不同的事和人聚在一起,用于时间方面,则意为“同时”; 用于思想或行动,则意为“一致地”“协调地”。 together与介词with连用,意思是“和”“加之”“连同”。可置于句中,也可置于句末。置于句中时,句子的谓语动词的形式须与主语保持一致。 together无比较级和最高级形式。


  1. 他们平和地生活在一起。

    They live peacefully together with one another.

    They live peacefully with one another.

    together和with one another不能同时出现在一个句子里。


    My knowledge, together with his money, are very useful to the project.

    My knowledge, together with his money, is very useful to the project.

    together with在句中作状语,它后面的his money并不是和my knowledge并列作主语,主语只是my knowledge,所以谓语动词应为单数,不可用复数。但如果把together with改成and,那就成了并列主语,谓语动词应该用复数。