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2024-02-15 07:50:17
美[toʊlæn]  英[təʊlæn]
n.  [化]二苯乙炔


  1. Schwertner H A,Jackson W G,Tolan G.Association of low serum concentration of bilirubin with increased risk of coronary artery disease[J]. 黄维义;曹林生;贺立群;等.;吸烟对血清总胆红素浓度的影响及其在致冠心病中的作用[J]
  2. Keywords cyclohexyl group;tolan;liquid crystal;properties; 环己基;二芳基取代乙炔;液晶;性能;
  3. Effects of Cyclohexyl Group on Electro-optical Properties of Liquid Crystal Tolan 环己基结构对二芳基取代乙炔类液晶光电性能的影响
  4. Keywords alkylcyclohanone;tolan;cis-trans isomerization;optical anisotropy;liquid crystal;synthesis; 烷基环己酮;二苯乙炔;顺、反异构体转换;光学各向异性;液晶;合成;
  5. Thomas Tolan 托·托兰