2023-11-30 11:59:16
adv. 血迹斑斑地;残忍地
- involving a great bloodshed
- Brutally, bloodily, blindly, the rulers of old China moved toward the abyss. 旧中国的这些盲目的、残暴的、嗜血成性的统治者终于坠入深渊。
- In 1989 commemorative protests in Lhasa were bloodily suppressed and martial law briefly declared. 1989年在拉萨的纪念抗议遭到血腥镇压,随后便宣布了暂时戒严令。
- Their blossoming relationship may now be hostage to how bloodily China handles anti-Chinese protests by Tibetans. 它们的美好关系如今可能受制于中国对示威的血腥处理。
- Leave aside the fact that efforts to make democracy bloom have become bloodily unstuck in Iraq and Afghanistan. 我们暂且不管本意是让民主萌芽茁壮的努力,为什么会把伊拉克和阿富汗的局势弄得一团糟。
- That deal ended a war between north and south Sudan that had bloodily sputtered on and off for 50 years, killing some 2m Sudanese and displacing 4m more. 2005年签署的和平协议终止了北部苏丹与南部苏丹的一场战争,那持续了50年的血腥战争残杀了二百万苏丹人民,而多于四百万的人民流离失所。
- Start with Japan and China.Their blossoming relationship may now be hostage to how bloodily China handles anti-Chinese protests by Tibetans. 先来看看中国和日本,正在复苏的中日关系现在面临着中国政府如何解决反华“藏独”活动的问题。