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2024-02-15 09:19:16
美[tʌŋ]  英[tʌŋ]
n.  舌头;语言;口才;舌状物
v.  舔;用舌吹奏管乐器;发音
  过去式:tongued  过去分词:tongued  现在分词:tonguing  第三人称单数:tongues


  1. 舌,舌头;口条
  2. 舌状物
  3. 语言;方言;口语;国语
  4. 口才,说话能力
  5. 舌肉;舌皮
  6. <俚>律师
  7. 说法
  8. 【建】榫舌
  9. 国民
  10. 针,别针
  11. 岬;湾
  12. 火舌
  1. <罕>说话,饶舌,闲谈
  2. 呈舌形突出;伸出
  3. 用舌吹(管乐器),吹奏(管乐器), 用舌头控制着吹奏
  4. 在(木板等)上做榫舌;用榫舌连接
  5. 申斥,谴责
  6. 榫接,嵌接
  7. 发(音)
  8. 以舌触
  9. 讲,说
  10. 说出,讲出


  1. [C]舌头 the movable fleshy organ in the mouth, used for tasting, moving food around , and, in human beings, for producing speech
  2. [C]语言,口语 a spoken language


  1. a mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavity
  2. a human written or spoken language used by a community; opposed to e.g. a computer language
  3. any long thin projection that is transient;

    "tongues of flame licked at the walls" "rifles exploded quick knives of fire into the dark"

  4. a manner of speaking;

    "he spoke with a thick tongue" "she has a glib tongue"

  5. a narrow strip of land that juts out into the sea
  6. the tongue of certain animals used as meat
  7. the flap of material under the laces of a shoe or boot
  8. metal striker that hangs inside a bell and makes a sound by hitting the side
  1. articulate by tonguing, as when playing wind instruments
  2. lick or explore with the tongue


  1. acquire a foreign tongue学会一种外国语
  2. bite ones tongue保持沉默
  3. bite ones tongue off对自己说的话感到懊悔
  4. click ones tongue咂舌头
  5. find ones tongue开口,开始说话
  6. get ones tongue (a)round准确地读出
  7. give tongue(热情地)讲,大声说
  8. hold ones tongue保持沉默
  9. lose tongue说不出话来,噤不能言
  10. put out ones tongue伸舌头,做鬼脸
  11. speak tongue说某种语言
  12. stick out ones tongue伸出舌头
  1. abusive tongue出口伤人
  2. bitter tongue嘴刻薄
  3. dirty tongue下流话
  4. fluent tongue口齿伶俐
  5. foul tongue说话下流,口出恶言
  6. nasty tongue污秽不堪的话
  7. native tongue本族语,母语
  8. quick tongue说话伶俐
  9. ready tongue口齿伶俐
  10. sharp tongue说话刻薄
  11. smooth tongue花言巧语
  1. mother tongue本族语,母语
  2. sliver tongue口才,辩才
  1. ham and tongue sandwiches火腿牛舌三明治
  2. tongues wag说闲话,造谣
  1. tip of tongue舌尖
  2. on everyones tongue被众人谈论着
  3. with ones tongue in ones cheek不老实地,讽刺地,挖苦地


  1. The tongue is one of the vocals.舌头是发声器官之一。
  2. The dogs tongue was hanging out.这条狗把舌头伸在外面。
  3. English is her mother tongue.英语是她的母语。
  4. He speaks English, but his native tongue is German.他会说英语,但他的母语是德语。
  5. That woman has a very sharp tongue.那个女人说话非常尖刻。
  6. There appear long tongues of shadows in the sky..天空出现长长的舌状影子。
  1. The dog tongued the meat on the ground.狗用舌头舔了舔地上的肉。
  2. The tongue is one of the organs for pronunciation.舌是发音器官之一。
  3. Try to find out the correct mouth and tongue positions for making these sounds and practice saying words containing them.尽量尝试去发现这些发音的正确口型及舌头位置,并通过反复训练来巩固正确的发音。


    tongue基本意思是“舌头”,可指人的,也可指动物的,引申可作“舌状物”解,是可数名词。 tongue也可作“语言”“口语”解,多指“国语”“母语”或“方言”,还可作“口才”“说话方式”解,侧重说话的能力或方式,是可数名词。