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2024-02-15 09:20:17
美[tʌŋd]  英[tʌŋd]
adj.  说话 ... 的


  1. provided with or resembling a tongue; often used in combination;

    "tongued shoes" "tongued boards" "toungued lightning" "long-tongued"

  2. having a manner of speaking as specified; often used in combination;

    "golden-tongued" "sharp-tongued"


  1. Nor can I,like that fluent sweet tongued Greek. 我也不能像那位希腊人文章流畅。
  2. Nor can I, like that fluent sweet tongued Greek. 我也不能像那位希腊人文章流畅。
  3. The musician tongued the trumpet. 音乐家用运舌法吹奏喇叭。
  4. I play this both tongued and slurred. 我同时使用运舌法和连音(滑音)法吹奏它们。
  5. The communication of the deed is tongued with fire beyond the language of the living. 与死者的交流思想超乎生者的语言之外是用火表达的。
  6. Floor boarding is laid in varying widths, the individual boards usually being tongued and grooved to one another and nailed to the floor joists. 楼板铺设的宽度是不等的。每条木板通常企口相连接,并钉在楼板梁上。