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2024-02-15 09:24:16
美[tɑːnɪk]  英[tɒnɪk]
n.  补药;奎宁水;[音]主音
adj.  滋补的;振奋精神的;[医]肌肉紧张的;[音]主音的


  1. 补药
  2. 滋补品
  3. 生发水
  4. 重读音节
  5. 有兴奋作用的东西
  6. 补剂
  7. 奎宁水
  8. 强壮剂
  9. 增强剂
  10. 兴奋剂
  11. 鼓舞物
  12. 【音】主音
  13. 【语音】浊音
  14. 主重音音节
  15. 鼓励
  16. 心旷神怡
  17. 强壮药
  1. 滋补的
  2. 使精神振作的
  3. 使人精神振奋的
  4. 强身的
  5. 紧张的
  6. 【医】强直的
  7. 【语音】声调的
  8. 音调的
  9. 【音】主音的
  10. 增强的
  11. 鼓励的
  12. 僵硬性的
  13. 主重音的
  14. 声调语言的
  15. 强壮的
  16. 提神的


  1. lime- or lemon-flavored carbonated water containing quinine
  2. a sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring;

    "in New England they call sodas tonics"

  3. (music) the first note of a diatonic scale
  4. a medicine that strengthens and invigorates
  1. of or relating to or producing normal tone or tonus in muscles or tissue;

    "a tonic reflex" "tonic muscle contraction"

  2. employing variations in pitch to distinguish meanings of otherwise similar words;

    "Chinese is a tonal language"

  3. used of syllables;

    "a tonic syllables carries the main stress in a word"

  4. relating to or being the keynote of a major or minor scale;

    "tonic harmony"

  5. imparting vitality and energy;

    "the bracing mountain air"


  1. This tonic will help to set you up.这补药会帮助你变得更加健壮。
  2. This tonic will work miracles for your depression.这种补药对治疗你的忧郁症十分有效。
  3. Ill have a gin and tonic, please.请来一杯加奎宁水的杜松子酒。
  4. The tonic is carried inside the listeners head.主音一直在听者头脑中回旋。
  1. Ginseng is well known for its tonic effect.人参是滋补身体的名药。
  2. Ginger is a good tonic herb that can be added to the diet daily if desired.生姜是一种很好的滋补药草,如果你渴望的话可以加入每日饮食。
  3. Sea air has a tonic quality.海洋的空气有益于增进健康。
  4. The tonic pitch is played as a drone that runs throughout the performance.主音音高作为一种低音调奏出,在整个演奏中贯穿始终。