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2024-02-15 09:27:17
美[toʊnaɪt]  英[təʊnaɪt]
n.  徒那特(棉火药的一种)


  1. Hopefully I am gonna win everything tonite. 但是大哥每次的电话很难退却。
  2. Alston and Head are possessed tonite. 阿尔斯通和海德今晚打的很沉着。
  3. Tonite, I realised , Im not young anymore! 今日;我终于感觉到......我不再年轻了!!
  4. Now here is the new boy taking on the world tonite. 最近喜欢mando diao,不知道怎么翻译。
  5. Work tonite and then, Daytona here I come! 心情: Excited as hell!5 小时前发布。
  6. Finally...I am going to get my computer desk tonite la. 终于可以摆脱放地下啦!系边度买呀?