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2024-02-15 10:14:17
美[tuːθkəʊm]  英[tuːθkəʊm]
n.  细齿梳子


  1. Ask how your assessment value has been calculated and then go over the details with a fine toothcomb . 问怎么进行评估,然后整理成详细资料。
  2. Ask how your assessment value has been calculated and then go over the details with a fine toothcomb. 询问你的财产价值是如何计算的,之后缜密的检查每一个细节。
  3. Step1: Comb the hair with toothcomb orderly, arranging slippery hair is the foundation with long straight beautiful hair. 把头发用细齿梳子梳整洁,顺滑的头发是长直发漂亮的基础。
  4. Later on we will go back through them with a fine toothcomb to get the right combination of historical accuracy and balance. 将来的某个时间我们将对他们进行仔细的梳理并根据历史现实和平衡性重新调整。