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2024-02-15 10:55:17
美[tɒplaɪn]  英[tɒplaɪn]
adj.  头条新闻的
n.  上半身轮廓


  1. Topline: Smooth, firm, and slightly sloping. 背线:平滑、坚实且略斜。.
  2. Topline will appear level when gaiting. 行走时背线应该保持平直。
  3. The topline is strong, never swayed nor roached. 背线结实,既不摇摆,也不拱起。
  4. Topline - Level both when moving and standing. 背线-行动时和站立时都保持水平。
  5. Her entire topline is so very correct. 她的整个背线也显得非常精确?
  6. The topline of the muzzle is straight. 口部的上线是直的。