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2024-02-15 11:09:16
美[təpɒnəmɪ]  英[təpɒnəmɪ]
n.  地名;地名研究;部位命名法


  1. the nomenclature of regional anatomy
  2. the branch of lexicology that studies the place names of a region or a language


  1. The main Toponomic value of Yu Di Guang Ji was that it inherited the toponomy tradition since Han-Tang period and developed it. 其地名学价值主要体现于它在继承汉唐以来的地名学传统的基础上向前发展,开创了“古今参考”的编撰体例来研究地名沿革变迁。
  2. Place naming - we will review and refine the existing toponomy system of Beijing and work out a scientific and well-developed place naming system. 按照国家整体规划,建成多种功能和多种轨道的、由多种卫星系统组成的空间基础设施;
  3. A Study on the Ancient Toponomy Theory in China 中国古代地名学理论的初步探讨
  4. Institute of Toponomy of State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping 国家测绘局地名
  5. On the Traffic Routes of the Song Dynasty Envoys to the Liao Dynasty by the Views of Geography and Toponomy 宋使辽境经行道路的地理和地名学考察
  6. Special Research of Toponomy 地名学专题研究