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2024-02-15 11:43:16
美[toʊrɪˌiː]  英[təʊrɪiː]
n.  (日本神社门前的)牌坊;鸟居


  1. Torii building solemn, beautiful color harmony. 牌坊的建筑庄重、美观,色彩调和。
  2. The hill door of Yan Peak is a stone torii. 回雁峰景区是集锦式的古典园林。
  3. How big is the Torii of Yasukuni Shrine? 靖国神社大鸟居有多架势?
  4. Did you see the small red torii gate (shrine gate ) ? 你见到那座小型的红色牌坊---鸟居了吗?
  5. Main: Torii, Pavilion, Person and Animal Sculpture, etc. 主营:牌坊,亭子,人物雕塑,动物雕塑等
  6. Vintage Japanese B/W Picture Postcard, Itsukushima, Big Torii Gate.Itsukushima. 安艺严岛百八之迴廊大鸟居.