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2024-02-15 13:22:16
美[tʌðə]  英[tʌðə]
pron.  另一个
adj.  别的


  1. One of song that we singing tother is so long. 一首歌我们对唱了那么久.
  2. You are dare to talk with tother in English, thats great! 你勇于和大家用英语交谈这很好!
  3. Your article have been transshipped by tother magazine. 你的文章被另一家杂志转载。
  4. You are dare to talk with tother in English,that’s great! 你勇于和大家用英语交谈这很好!
  5. Fate brings us together but life parts us temporarily , like the moon and the stars , apart but staying tother always . (命运让我们相识相知,生活又使我们相分相离,就像月亮和星星,遥远而又永远在一起!)
  6. About this matter ,I only know such.As to other things,you may sak tother people. 对这件事我就知道这些,至于其他情况,你可以问别人。