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2024-02-15 14:58:17
美[tɑːksiːmiə]  英[tɒksiːmiə]
n.  [医] 血毒症


  1. an abnormal condition of pregnancy characterized by hypertension and edema and protein in the urine
  2. blood poisoning caused by bacterial toxic substances in the blood


  1. Toxaemia may be a contributing factor in occasional acute cases in which the pigs collapse and die suddenly. 在猪出现虚脱和突然死亡的个别急性病例中,毒血症可能是一种原因。
  2. They are also conditional pathogenic. bacteria and can cause disease through their toxin,e.g. toxaemia. 该菌感染主要由毒素导致的毒血症致病。
  3. In pregnant goats the condition is also known as pregnancy toxaemia and often this could cause miscarriages. 要改变传统的农业生产和经营方式,从科学和实际出发,充分发挥草在社会和经济发展中的功能作用。
  4. pregnancy toxaemia ofass and mare 驴、马妊娠毒血症
  5. Treatment of Pregnancy Toxaemia of Cows by Combinating Chinese Medicine and Westerm Medicine 中西医结合治疗乳牛妊娠毒血症
  6. toxaemia may be a contributing factor in occasional acute cases in which the pigs collapse and die suddenly 在猪出现虚脱和突然死亡的个别急性病例中,毒血症可能是一种原因。