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2024-02-15 15:02:17
美[tɒksiːmɪə]  英[tɒksiːmɪə]
n.  血毒症


  1. an abnormal condition of pregnancy characterized by hypertension and edema and protein in the urine
  2. blood poisoning caused by bacterial toxic substances in the blood


  1. Unfortunately, Kitty was dying of toxemia and died. 很不幸,凯蒂染上败血病死了。
  2. The mother had toxemia of pregnancy. 译文:该孕妇曾患妊娠毒血症。
  3. Fever, chills, rapid pulse and severe toxemia develop. 发热、寒战、脉率增快和严重的血毒症出现。
  4. Fever, chills, rapid pulse and severe toxemia develop . 发热、寒战、脉率增快和严重的血毒症出现。
  5. The word "toxemia" refers to an infection due to an unsafe tampon. 术语“妊娠中毒症”因不卫生的卫生巾感染所致。
  6. Objective To study the treatment of burn with toxemia or septemia. 目的探讨烧伤合并毒败血症的治疗方法。