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2024-02-15 15:09:17
美[tɒksɪkɒlɒdʒɪklɪ]  英[tɒksɪkɒlɒdʒɪklɪ]
adv.  毒物学地;毒理学地


  1. The results of animal experiments using pigments of this type indicate no toxicologically Relevant properties. 通过在动物上试验结果表明此颜料无毒相关特性。
  2. Methods Autopsy was performed in 116 cases of unidentified death, some of which were toxicologically analyzed by forensic medicine method. 方法收集不明原因死亡的尸体解剖材料116例,进行病理组织学检查,部分做了法医学的毒物分析。
  3. Toxicologically studies of raw radix aristolochiae and its processed product 青木香生品及其炮制品的毒理学研究