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2024-02-15 15:31:17
美  英
sp.  =triphospho-pyridine-nucleotide 三磷酸吡啶核苷酸


  1. administration of a nutritionally adequate solution through a catheter into the vena cava; used in cases of long-term coma or severe burns or severe gastrointestinal syndromes


  1. Conclusion: TPN can increase the rescue a nd curative rate. 结论:TPN治疗能提高外科危重患者的救治率,改善预后及营养状况。
  2. Total parenteral nutrition(TPN) have had a great development since 1960s. 全胃肠外营养自60年代临床上应用以来,得到了极大的发展。
  3. Methods Fifty-two multiple trauma patients were randomized to isocaloric feeding of TEN or TPN for 7d. 方法对复合伤患者进行早期肠内或肠外营养支持,观察患者营养支持前后代谢和免疫指标的变化。
  4. Results:All animals survived but one rat died of pneumonedema in TPN group.Body weight did not change significantly. 结果:除TPN组一只大鼠因输液过快,肺水肿死亡外,其余大鼠均成活,实验前后体重无明显变化。
  5. We present rules to fetch structures hierarchically. While TPN is converted to HTPN, physical reachability is verified. 在基于TPN的工作流模型中增加截止期限约束条件,并将各个路由结构按照给出的规则分层提取,得到只有顺序结构的HTPN模型。
  6. The Influence of EGF on the Expression of EGFR in the Intestinal Cells of Rats Receiving TPN. EGF对TPN大鼠肠粘膜细胞EGFR表达的影响