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2024-02-15 15:46:16
美[treɪkɪɪd]  英[treɪkɪɪd]
n.  [植]管胞


  1. long tubular cell peculiar to xylem


  1. Thread, hole patterns and Reticulate smaller catheter and tracheid. 见放射状条纹。See radial stripes.;螺纹、孔纹和网纹导管及管胞较小。
  2. Tracheid An elongated xylem conducting element with oblique end walls. 管胞:具有倾斜端壁的延伸的木质部运输分子。
  3. Tylose A bladderlike ingrowth from a parenchyma cell into an adjacent tracheid or vessel through a paired pit. 侵填体:薄壁细胞向内生长的泡状物通过纹孔伸入相邻的管胞或导管形成的结构。
  4. Spur of the great marrow, pulp tissue is often full of thick red crystal, tracheid also larger. 所以,仔细观察这些痕迹,可以对该铃技的年龄及历年的生长结实状况作出初步判断。
  5. Vascular bundle have not cambium layer, vessel, and spiral tracheid as well.Only sieve element. 维管束无形成层,无导管,也不具有螺纹管胞,只有筛分子。
  6. Fiber-tracheid An elongated cell with bordered pits found in wood, intermediate in form between a fiber and a tracheid. 纤维管胞:木材中具有具缘纹孔的细长细胞,是纤维和管胞的中间类型。