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2024-02-15 16:15:16
美[trækteɪt]  英[trækteɪt]
n.  论文;小册子


  1. Need the tractate handed in two pieces of printing paper ? 请问重新上交的论文还是要交2份打印稿吗?
  2. Finally, the tractate analyzes the data exchange and integration between the legacy system and CRM system. 最后,着重分析了CRM系统与商学院其它信息系统的数据交换和集成。
  3. This tractate discussed how to establish harmonious relationship from the visual angle of doctors who work in stomatology department of infra-structural hospitals. 基层医院口腔医生要掌握扎实的专业理论知识和操作技能以及加强自身修养,并进行良好的医患沟通;
  4. The tractate discussion hidden trouble of campus network from its characteristic, and give some tactics about how to improve it from technicality equipment and management. 本文从校园网的特点出发,分析了校园网存在的安全隐患,并从技术、设备、管理等方面提出了改进和解决的策略。
  5. This tractate adopts numerical value simulation method, CFD Ltd element and optimization method, makes use of Visual C++ and ANSYS/Flotran CFD software, and utilizes Pro/ENGINEER drawing a certain PDC Bit entity. 本论文采用数值模拟方法、CFD有限元方法和最优化方法,借助于Visual C++及ANSYS/Flotran CFD软件,进行了PDC钻头的水力参数计算、喷嘴的流场分析与优化,并运用Pro/ENGINEER绘制了某种PDC钻头实体图。
  6. New Atlantis;Areopagitica;Tractate on Education; 放大图片 Essays, Civil and Moral;