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2024-02-15 17:00:16
美[treɪl]  英[treɪl]
n.  踪迹;小径;尾;一系列
vi.  拖;落后于
vt.  追踪;拖拽;尾随
  过去式:trailed  过去分词:trailed  现在分词:trailing  第三人称单数:trails


  1. 足迹,踪迹,痕迹
  2. 一缕
  3. 一系列
  4. 小道,小路,小径,踏成的路
  5. 一长串
  6. 拖裾,拖曳物,长长地拖垂后头的东西
  7. 尾部,尾
  8. 臭迹
  9. 路径,路线
  1. 跟踪,追踪(猎物)
  2. 蔓生,蔓延
  3. 落后于,磨蹭
  4. 拖带,拖曳,拖,曳,拉
  5. 垂下,垂地
  6. 拖沓行走,拖着走,疲惫地走,没精打采地慢走
  7. 减弱,变小
  8. 在…上踩出路
  9. 标出(路)
  10. 预告(节目)
  11. (被)拖在或跟在(…的后面),尾随,牵引
  12. 失败,输,失利
  13. 提(枪)
  14. 爬在地上,慢慢爬行
  15. 拖着尾巴
  16. 踪迹
  17. 伸展开


  1. vt. & vi. 拖,拉,拽 drag or be dragged behind
  2. vt. & vi. 跟踪; 追猎 follow the tracks of; hunt by smell, sign
  1. [C]足迹; 臭迹 the track or smell of a person or animal
  2. [C]小径 a path across rough country made by the passing of people or animals
  3. [C]一缕,一股 a stream of dust, smoke, people, vehicles, etc., behind sth moving


  1. a track or mark left by something that has passed;

    "there as a trail of blood" "a tear left its trail on her cheek"

  2. a path or track roughly blazed through wild or hilly country
  3. evidence pointing to a possible solution;

    "the police are following a promising lead" "the trail led straight to the perpetrator"

  1. to lag or linger behind;

    "But in so many other areas we still are dragging"

  2. go after with the intent to catch;

    "The policeman chased the mugger down the alley" "the dog chased the rabbit"

  3. move, proceed, or walk draggingly or slowly;

    "John trailed behind his class mates" "The Mercedes trailed behind the horse cart"

  4. hang down so as to drag along the ground;

    "The brides veiled trailed along the ground"

  5. drag loosely along a surface; allow to sweep the ground;

    "The toddler was trailing his pants" "She trained her long scarf behind her"


  1. trail demurely拘谨地跟随
  2. trail faithfully忠诚地跟随
  3. trail incessantly连续跟踪
  4. trail tediously令人厌烦地跟随
  5. trail along after sb慢吞吞地跟在某人后面走
  6. trail along behind sb慢吞吞地跟在某人后面走
  7. trail ones feet along拖着脚走
  8. trail away逐渐减弱
  9. trail off逐渐变小
  1. a trail of blood血迹
  1. discover〔find〕 the trail发现行踪
  2. follow the trail跟踪
  3. leave a trail留下痕迹
  4. make a trail开拓道路
  1. steep trail陡径
  2. winding trail蜿蜒的小径
  1. mountain trails山路
  1. march in trail成一路纵队行进
  2. off the trail失去踪迹,迷失方向
  3. on sbs trail跟踪某人


  1. The dogs found the trail of the rabbit.猎狗发现了兔子的踪迹。
  2. I am going to meet him at the end of the trail.我会在小路的尽头跟他见面。
  3. The carriage left a trail of dust.马车后扬起了一缕烟尘。
  4. The wounded animal left a trail of blood behind it.受伤的动物在身后留下一道血迹。
  1. The brides long skirt trailed along behind her.新娘的长裙拖在身后。
  2. They trailed by two goals in the second period.他们下半场落后两球。
  1. He trailed the beast to its lair.他追猎野兽到兽穴。
  2. The child was trailing a toy cart.那个孩子拖着一辆玩具车。
  3. Reporters trailed him constantly.记者经常跟着他。


    trail的基本意思是物体被拖拉于地。引申可指“拖着沉重步伐”“无精打采地走开”“声音、兴趣等逐渐变小〔减弱〕”。trail还可表示“跟踪”,指按着某人或动物的足迹追踪。 trail既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。 trail常与off连用,表示“逐渐减弱或变小等”“离题而变得无效”; 与along连用表示“跟随”。