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2024-02-15 17:03:16
美[treɪlbreɪkər]  英[treɪlbreɪkər]
n.  开路先锋


  1. His problem consciousness and his creative spirit made him a trailbreaker of the new philosophy in the 20(superscript th) century. 他的问题意识和创新精神,使他成为德国20世纪新哲学的开路先锋。
  2. The pilot of control stand of Shanghai harbor pilotage gave the work of hardships for this, be known as " trailbreaker " . 上海港引航治理站的引航员为此付出了艰辛的劳动 ,被誉为“开路先锋”。
  3. China is in the process that realizes socialistic modernization, knowledge laborer is trailbreaker and main force from beginning to end. 中国在实现社会主义现代化的过程中 ,知识型劳动者始终是开路先锋和主要力量。
  4. Group of system of GE medical treatment, it is the trailbreaker that integral GE enters China, it entered China 1979, the plant runs formally 1991 in Chinese investment. GE 医疗系统集团,是整体 GE 进入中国的开路先锋,它1979年进入中国,1991年正式在中国投资办厂。
  5. Of this factory only then Luo Funeng of the person that achieve is familial, by Swiss tabulation course of study accepted for industry pioneer and trailbreaker. 瑞士卡天龙表厂的历史,可以追溯到十九世纪末。该厂的始创者罗富能家族,被瑞士制表业公认为行业拓荒者与开路先锋。
  6. Hexi region of Gansu Province acts as an important rol e to beregarded as “developed poles” and “trailbreaker” in the implementary process of the great developmental strategy in western China. 在我国西部大开发战略实施过程中,河西地区充当着“开发极”和“开路先锋”的重要角色。