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2024-02-15 17:04:17
美[treɪlər]  英[treɪlə(r)]
n.  拖车;追踪者;活动房;预告片
vt.  用拖车运
vi.  乘拖车;住在拖车
  形容词:trailerable  过去式:trailered  过去分词:trailered  现在分词:trailering  第三人称单数:trailers


  1. someone who takes more time than necessary; someone who lags behind
  2. an advertisement consisting of short scenes from a motion picture that will appear in the near future
  3. a large transport conveyance designed to be pulled by a truck or tractor
  4. a wheeled vehicle that can be pulled by a car or truck and is equipped for occupancy


  1. I connected the trailer to the car.我把拖车接在汽车后。
  2. Thats a car with a trailer hitched on to it at the back of the road.路上有一辆背后挂着一辆拖车的汽车。
  3. Ken just grouses and drives toward Joes trailer.肯恩仅仅对于乔的追踪者埋怨而且开车。
  4. Many of the illegal immigrants have extremely basic living conditions, often staying together in rundown trailer parks.很多非法移民生活的状况很恶劣,经常聚集在废弃的活动房或是停车场中。
  5. Has the trailer lived up to your expectations?这段预告片达到你们的期望了吗?
  6. I watched a trailer for the screenplay of his memoirs.我看过以他的回忆录改编成电影的预告片。
  1. They trailered the boat to the beach.他们用拖车将这艘小船运至海滩。
  1. A man sat in the cab attached to the trailer vehicle.一个人坐在拖车的驾驶室中。
  2. Melissa lived in a trailer park, miles from my campus, in one of a dozen turquoise units wedged between a bowling alley and the turnpike.梅丽莎住在拖车场,离我的校园有几英里,就在许多蓝绿色的房间中夹在保龄球场和收费公路之间的那一间。