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2024-02-15 17:17:17
美[treɪnmən]  英[treɪnmən]
n.  列车车务员


  1. an employee of a railroad


  1. This is a video of Malaysia Trainman Full Version . 这是大马电车男的完整版短片。
  2. Description: This is a video of Malaysia Trainman Full Version . 这是大马电车男的完整版短片 。
  3. Rama-Kandra: This place is nowhere.It is between your world and our world.Neo: Whos the Trainman? 我不知道法国人存在的意义是什么,是为了走私程序?
  4. When elderly trainman Zhu decides to leave behind his post and reunite with his daughter, his young apprentice Li follows closely on his trail. 地处中国最北端、内蒙古的扎赉诺尔是个百年矿区,也难敌时代巨轮。开蒸汽火车的朱老头决定在退休前离开那里,去找住在中俄边境的女儿共享天伦;
  5. Trainman: You dont get it.I built this place.Down here I make the rules.Down here I make the threats.Down here, Im God. *to Rama-Kandra* Get on the train, or youll stay here with him. 大他者是唯一可以在轮回世界不受时空和因果影响的;因为他本身就是时空和因果.;简单的解释一下;全世界的人都是我;自然定律也由我制定;那我就是一个单独的存在;怎么还会受世界性质的影响呢?
  6. Keywords trainman;employment fatigue;occupation strain; 机车乘务员;作业疲劳;职业应激;