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2024-02-15 18:26:16
美[trænskʌltʃəəl]  英[trænskʌltʃərəl]
adj.  跨文化的;适合于多种文化的;交叉文化的;涉及多种文化的


  1. extending through all human cultures;

    "a transcultural ideal of freedom embracing all the peoples of the world"


  1. In oneword, international marketing means transcultural operation andmarketing. 但是,关键性的因素是能否跨越文化障碍,能否在与本国文化不同的异国文化中获得成功。
  2. MacDougall, David. "Visual Anthropology and Ways of Knowing." In Transcultural Cinema. 影视人类学与知的方式〉,收录于《跨文化的电影》。
  3. We can therefore disclose a mode of transcultural exchange as a mutual containment of power in order to hold a mirror to the present cultural exchange. 本文揭示其作为一种权力彼此制衡的模式,可以为我们今天的跨文化交流提供借鉴。
  4. The hindrance of transcultural communication is the pragmatic difference between two languages in different cultures. 摘要不同语言在不同文化中的语用差异成为跨文化交际中的障碍。
  5. The expanding ways, ownership, strategies for products, transcultural management are also analyzed. 分析了跨国公司的所有权、产品战略和跨文化管理问题。
  6. Abstract: In the evolution of the tide of globalization, transcultural communication is ever increasingly frequent. 摘 要:在全球化浪潮的演进中,跨文化传播日益频繁。