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2024-02-15 18:27:17
美[trænskɜːənt]  英[trænskʌrənt]
adj.  横过的(横向延伸的;横向电流的)


  1. Fuh, S.-C. Liu, C.-S. and Song, G.-S. (1994) Decoupled transcurrent faults in the offshore area south of Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 29, 27-46. 傅式齐、刘家瑄、宋国士(1994)台湾南部海域之解耦合横推断层。台湾石油地质,第29号,第27-46页。
  2. Even there are different views about the Tan-Lu Fault’s characters, the author think that the Tan-Lu Fault is a huge transcurrent fault which was formed after the Cambrian. 尽管目前关于郯庐断裂的性质的问题还没有完全统一,作者认为郯庐断裂的性质为晚寒武世之后形成的走滑断裂。
  3. right-lateral transcurrent fault 右旋横推断层
  4. Transcurrent movement and genesis of the Tan-Lu fault zone 郯庐断裂带的平移运动与成因
  5. The seismic source parameters of the 1991 Costa Rica aftershock sequence: evidence for a transcurrent plate boundary 1991年哥斯达黎加余震序列的震源参数:横向剪切板块边界的证据