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2024-02-15 18:28:16
美[ˌtrænzkjuːteɪnɪəs]  英[ˌtrænzkjuːteɪnɪəs]
adj.  [医]经皮的;由皮的


  1. through the unbroken skin; refers to medications applied directly to the skin (creams or ointments) or in time-release forms (skin patches);

    "transdermal estrogen" "percutaneous absorption"


  1. Stress effects of transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation on the anesthesia and postoperative analgesia with PCEA. 体表电刺激对麻醉与镇痛患者应激反应的影响。
  2. Objective Oxybutynin transcutaneous gel was prepared and its physicochemical properties were studied. 目的制备奥昔布宁凝胶剂,建立其质量标准,评价其稳定性。
  3. As the energy center,transcutaneous power supply is the core of artificial anal sphincter. 经皮能量传输的无线供能技术为人工肛门括约肌系统提供能量,是系统的核心部分。
  4. Dynamic transcutaneous bilirubinometry can presage newborn pathological jaundice. 动态经皮测新生儿胆红素能早期预测新生儿病理性黄疸 ,对防止病理性黄疸有一定的指导作用。
  5. Methods: Posterior branch of spinal nerve was refrigerated by transcutaneous paracentesis. 方法:经皮穿刺到脊神经后支,对神经分支施行深部冷冻。
  6. Objective: To discuss the diagnostic value of transcutaneous bilirubinometry on neonatal jaundice. 目的:探讨经皮测胆红素对新生儿黄疸的诊断价值。