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2024-02-15 19:14:17
美[trænsdʒenəsɪs]  英[trænsdʒenəsɪs]
n.  [生]基因转移


  1. Transgenosis: Is It Justified for Man to Play God? 转基因:人类能否扮演上帝?
  2. Transgenosis technology is one of the research hot-spots of the biologic technology development in 21 century. 摘要转基因技术是21世纪生物技术发展的热点之一。
  3. The possibility of natural hybrid between species and the feasibility of artificial transgenosis was discussed. 茶树在与多山茶科植物共生、花期高度相遇的环境自然种间杂交的可能性和人工转基因的可行性。
  4. Shanxi is the first province to get transgenosis pest-resistaut cotton in China. 山西省是第一个国产转基因抗虫棉诞生的省份。
  5. The result showed the transgenosis turf grass was obviously better than the compared one. 结果表明,转基因草坪草在抗旱性能上普遍优于对照株。
  6. The safety for imported transgenosis aquatic fingerlings must be evaluated.Specific administration shall be carried out in conformity with relevant provisions of the State Council. 引进转基因水产苗种必须进行安全性评价,具体管理工作按照国务院有关规定执行。