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2024-02-15 19:26:17
美[trænsɪdʒənt]  英[trænsɪdʒənt]
n.  自愿和解的人;妥协的人
adj.  妥协的


  1. GATS, as a conflictory and transigent result, it has so many problems that it can never be solved. 而GATS作为各方经过谈判,是一个斗争与妥协的结果,仍存在许多问题。
  2. But under the existing transigent policy and in order to maintaining their authority, the BeiYang government suppressed aforementioned struggles and even betrayed national interests. 但北洋政府在对日妥协的既定政策调控下,压制国内民气、出卖国家利益,终究难挽路权丧失的狂澜。
  3. learnin to be transigent is the pullulation,be good at it is the maturation. 学会妥协是种成长,善于妥协是种成熟。