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2024-02-15 19:34:17
美[trænzɪt]  英[trænzɪt]
n.  运输;经过;转变;[天]中天;凌日;经纬仪
vt.  穿越;旋转
vi.  越过
  过去式:transited  过去分词:transited  现在分词:transiting  第三人称单数:transits


  1. 运输,运送,搬运,载运
  2. 通过,经过
  3. 过境
  4. 转变
  5. 中转
  6. 通行
  7. 变迁,过渡
  8. 凌日
  9. 通路
  10. 公共交通运输系统
  11. 【天】中天
  12. 大星被食
  13. 【测】经纬仪
  14. 运输线
  1. 通过
  2. 运送过
  3. 【天】经过
  4. 过境运输
  5. 飞越电子
  6. 渡越,横越, 穿越,越过
  7. 使(望远镜)水平横轴回转
  8. 旋转
  9. 转接(互联)


  1. [U]搬运;载运;运输 process of going or being taken or transported from one place to another


  1. a surveying instrument for measuring horizontal and vertical angles, consisting of a small telescope mounted on a tripod
  2. a facility consisting of the means and equipment necessary for the movement of passengers or goods
  3. a journey usually by ship;

    "the outward passage took 10 days"

  1. make a passage or journey from one place to another;

    "The tourists moved through the town and bought up all the souvenirs;" "Some travelers pass through the desert"

  2. pass across (a sign or house of the zodiac) or pass across (the disk of a celestial body or the meridian of a place);

    "The comet will transit on September 11"

  3. revolve (the telescope of a surveying transit) about its horizontal transverse axis in order to reverse its direction
  4. cause or enable to pass through;

    "The canal will transit hundreds of ships every day"


  1. The goods were lost in transit.这些货物在运输中丢失了。
  2. The transit was damaged by flood.运输线被洪水破坏了。
  3. Firstly, the drug inhibits octopamine transit in insect brains.第一,可卡因能抑制真蛸胺这种药物在昆虫大脑中经过。
  4. The city supported an initiative to turn this space, a place of transit, into an actual facility with a more permanent character and a new urban identity and artistic spirit.该城市支持了一项倡议,把这个空间里转变成为一个实际的设施,且与更长期的和新的城市特征及艺术气息相融合。
  5. It was worth the risk, he figured, to observe a transit of Venus.能观察到金星凌日,这趟冒险就是值得的,他说。
  6. The surveyors were adjusting the transit to take the measurements.勘测员正调试转镜经纬仪进行测量。
  1. We will transit the strait at night.我们将在夜间通过那个海峡。
  1. Our ship used the canal to transit to the east.我们的船通过这条运河驶往东方。
  2. The comet will transit on September 11.这颗彗星将于9月11日经过天空。