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2024-02-15 19:41:17
美[trænsɪtərɪlɪ]  英[trænsɪtərɪlɪ]
adv.  暂时;转瞬间;短暂地


  1. for a very brief time


  1. I just dare not believe how come the heaven would lose her temper transitorily; how come such a wonderland would vanish within miniatures. 怎么也无法相信,转瞬间天地会动容,转瞬间那个曾经如此美丽的地方会离去。
  2. The adoption of Keynesian policies had been transitorily effectual in early l990s, but the changing structure of supply had nevertheless stuck Japan in the crisis. 20世纪90年代前期,凯恩斯经济政策的运用取得了短期效果。由于供给结构的变化,这一政策并没有使日本经济真正摆脱危机的困境。
  3. I dont want date transitorily. 我暂时不想约会了。
  4. Conclusions Desensitization therapy can desensitize the syphilis patient with positive reaction to penicillin skin test transitorily,so it tries for the best therapy for the patients. 结论脱敏治疗对青霉素皮试阳性梅毒病人可短暂脱敏,为病人争取了最佳治疗方案。
  5. The finite element analysis of the transitorily expanding process and design optimization of coronary stent system 冠脉支架系统瞬时膨胀过程的有限元分析及其优化设计
  6. We come across so transitorily 我们如此短暂地相逢