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2024-02-15 19:47:16
美[trænskiːtoʊleɪs]  英[trænskiːtəʊleɪs]
n.  [生]转羟乙醛酶;转酮醇酶


  1. Transketolase is the key enzyme of pentose-phophate pathway, catalyses transfer of a two-carbon fragment from a ketolase (donor substance) to an aldose (acceptor substance). 摘要转酮醇酶是磷酸戊糖途径的关键酶,催化二碳单元在酮糖(供体)和醛糖(受体)间的转移。
  2. Transketolase is the key enzyme of pentose-phophate pathway,catalyses transfer of a two-carbon fragment from a ketolase(donor substance) to an aldose(acceptor substance). 转酮醇酶是磷酸戊糖途径的关键酶,催化二碳单元在酮糖(供体)和醛糖(受体)间的转移。
  3. The application of transketolase for industrial purpose,such as production of ethanol,biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids and enantiotopic chemicals were reviewed. 本文综述了该酶的工业生产及应用领域,如乙醇生产,芳香族氨基酸和手性物质的生物合成等。
  4. The application of transketolase for industrial purpose, such as production of ethanol, biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids and enantiotopic chemicals were reviewed. 本文综述了该酶的工业生产及应用领域,如乙醇生产,芳香族氨基酸和手性物质的生物合成等。
  5. Abstract: Transketolase is the key enzyme of pentose-phophate pathway,catalyses transfer of a two-carbon fragment from a ketolase(donor substance) to an aldose(acceptor substance). 摘 要: 转酮醇酶是磷酸戊糖途径的关键酶,催化二碳单元在酮糖(供体)和醛糖(受体)间的转移。
  6. Abstract: Transketolase is the key enzyme of pentose-phophate pathway, catalyses transfer of a two-carbon fragment from a ketolase(donor substance) to an aldose(acceptor substance). 文章摘要: 转酮醇酶是磷酸戊糖途径的关键酶,催化二碳单元在酮糖(供体)和醛糖(受体)间的转移。