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2024-02-15 19:49:16
美[trænsleɪtəbəl]  英[trænsleɪtəbl]
adj.  可译的;可转移的


  1. capable of being put into another form or style or language;

    "substances readily translatable to the American home table" "his books are eminently translatable"

  2. capable of being changed in substance as if by alchemy;

    "is lead really transmutable into gold?" "ideas translatable into reality"


  1. His books are eminently translatable. 他的书出名的好译。
  2. Zope uses message ids to mark strings as translatable. Zope用message id标识string为可翻译。
  3. In our project, the total word count of translatable text is 5,400. 在我们的项目中,可译文本的总字数是5,400字。
  4. Extract translatable strings from given input files. 20由指定的输入档抽取可翻译的字串。
  5. More importantly, it is translatable to the sword and to the knife. 更重要的是,这些技术还可以应用到剑和短刀上。
  6. XLIFF is designed to make localization easier by providing a standard format for exchanging translatable data. XLIFF通过为交换可翻译数据提供标准格式达到简化本地化的目的。