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2024-02-15 19:56:16
美[trænslətərɪ]  英[trænslətərɪ]
adj.  平移动的


  1. Results They brought the results of the uniform stresses in the molar and controlled the translatory movement. 在加力点处,牙体颈缘处及根分叉区应力比较集中。
  2. The multidimensional modal theory is applied to solve liquid nonlinear sloshing in right circular cylindrical tank in translatory motion. 将多维模态理论应用到求解作横向运动圆柱贮箱中液体的非线性晃动问题。
  3. Using this system, a camera can be driven to quickly approach a static object in 3D translatory velocity and keep required 3D distance to the object. 该系统依靠单摄像机在笛卡尔坐标系中的三维平动迅速接近环境中的静止目标,且与静止目标的三维距离符合给定值。
  4. JIANG Yaodong, ZHAO Yixin, LIU Wengang, et al.Investigation on three-dimensional model of instability of translatory coal bumps in deep mining[J]. 刘文岗;姜耀东;周宏伟;等.;冲击倾向性煤体的细观特征与裂纹失稳的试验研究[J]
  5. Conclusion When M/F is about 8 and two equal forces are added on both buccal and palatal sides, there are the uniform stress in the molar and controlled translatory movement. 结论下颌第二恒磨牙近中移动时,颊舌侧同时加力并且施加适当的近远中向的力矩,有利于牙齿的整体平行移动。
  6. It is known that creates the world is friendly has the global leading translatory flow media technology High-tech enterprise, is also the new generation mobile interned company. 据了解,融创天下是一家拥有全球领先移动流媒体技术的高科技企业,也是新一代移动互联网公司。