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2024-02-15 20:15:17
美[trænzmɪsɪv]  英[trænsmɪsɪv]
adj.  能送的;能传达的;递送的


  1. Transmissive effect in BaTiO3self-pumped phase conjugators[J]. 引用该论文 唐九耀;华诚.
  2. In their place is a Transmissive LCD Screen - another first for EOS. 取而代之的是一种透射式液晶显示屏-另一个第一Eos的。
  3. The exact expressions of the reflective and transmissive fields are derived. 导出了反射波和透射波的精确表达式;
  4. But the photo-communication in this initial stage , transmissive information is very limited. 但是这种初期的光通信,所能传送的资讯是十分有限的。
  5. This thesis made a research on the transmissive subject of early Buddhism in China from the transmissive perspective. 摘要本文从传播学角度对佛教早期在华传教主体进行研究。
  6. We are unthinkable, in future 10 years, the client can want higher price, fewer choice, or slower transmissive. 我们无法想象,在未来十年,顾客会想要更高的价格,更少的选择,或更慢的递送。