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2024-02-15 20:24:17
美[trænsmjʊrəl]  英[trænsmjuːrəl]
adj.  [医]透壁的


  1. Microscopically, Crohns disease is characterized by transmural inflammation. 显微镜下Crohn病的特点是穿壁性炎症。
  2. Objective: To analyze the effect of early diagaosis-therapy on spontaneous transmural rupture of esophagus. 摘要目的:总结自发性食管破裂后早期诊治方法和经验。
  3. The infarction is "transmural" in that it extends through the full thickness of the wall. 梗死是透壁性的即累及心肌的全层。
  4. There has been a previous extensive transmural myocardial infarction involving the free wall of the left ventricle. 左心室壁见大片陈旧性透壁性梗死。
  5. ST depression in transmural ischaemia was generated with ST elevation and was an integral part of the current source. 同时发现透壁缺血时的ST 段下降是缺血电流源的不可分割的一部分。
  6. Aim To investigate the pharmacological effect of procainamide on transmural ventricular repolarization. 目的研究普鲁卡因胺对心室跨壁复极时间的影响。