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2024-02-15 20:28:17
美[trænsmjuːtətɪv]  英[trænsmjuːtətɪv]
adj.  有变化力的;变形的


  1. Erasure is a transmutative tone that allows that which one is complete with to be dissipated and released in the field. 擦除是一个变化音调,容许你已完成的在场中被消散和被释放。
  2. Saw Palmetto assists with the transmutative process during which the cell re-composes itself into a new genetic structure. 锯棕榈协助这一转化过程,在其中,细胞重新组合自身进入到新的遗传结构之中。
  3. There are distributed the transmutative rock in the Hills area of Taishan Montain, the limestone stratum of the Paleozoic in the middle and south of Shandong. 摘要鲁中南低山丘陵区分布有泰山群变质岩、古生界石灰岩等地层。
  4. The coal transmutative degree and variational rule of coal seam physical character are different in the prospection for CBM.The situation restricted CBM industrialization in China. 煤层气勘探中存在着煤变质程度差异性大和储层物性变化规律差异大的特点,这些特点直接制约着我国煤层气产业化的进程。
  5. As the fear and pain releases through the transmutative process of ascension, then there is room for the heart to open and love to be restored as the foundation of human existence. 当恐惧与痛苦藉由提升的转化过程而释放,那么就有空间让心灵恢复打开以及爱的能力,以此作为人类生存的基石。
  6. As one releases the trauma, one transmutes each layer of pain, anger or fear, terror, torture or suffering, lust, jealousy or hate with transmutative tones of creation. 当释放创伤时,你就用造物的转化音调转化一层痛苦、愤怒、害怕、恐怖、拷打、折磨、贪婪、嫉妒或憎恨。