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2024-02-15 20:32:16
美[trænznɔːməl]  英[trænznɔːməl]
adj.  超常规的


  1. Its name is natural beating, so it must have transnormal effect. 然敢名为"神打",必定有超人之处。"
  2. Trading faithfully witness the transnormal development history of “Tailong”. 贸易诚实,见证了“泰隆”的超常规发展历史;
  3. In ancientry,not only did the great people have transnormal brightness ,but also with gritty will. 古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。
  4. The machinability of a new type material used for the roll-sleeve in the transnormal roll casting of aluminum alloys was researched. 对新型铸轧辊套材料的切削加工性能进行了综合分析;
  5. In the unprecedented systemic innovation and transnormal development days, what they could do on the way of “finding the niche”? 如何在史无前例的系统变革和超常规发展中找准自己的位置,寻找前进的路径,成为关乎高等学校生存和发展的重要问题。
  6. This article gives a review on tribological properties of nanoparticles used as reinforced materials, lubricant additive and transnormal nanofilms. 综述了纳米颗粒作为增强材料、润滑油添加剂以及超薄纳米膜的摩擦学性能,并对纳米润滑材料今后的发展提出了一些建议。